Sounds of the rainforest
Monkeys and cicadas
In the tropical jungles, in this marvelous rainforest, you can see sky-high trees those crones hide the sun, fanciful lianas and some unknown plants and flowers. In every corner of the jungles you can hear the songs of wonderful birds and sounds of waterfalls.
Such place is a home for more than a million animals and plants, and the great part of them remains unknown, unexplored, and undescribed.
Here, in this wild land, monkeys jump from branch to branch, milliards of insects bustle around, and some unknown animals move through the wilderness making a strange noise.
Do you know that it's better not to go to the jungles without a machete? The matter is that here every road and path are overgrown with gross vegetation in just a couple of day. That's how we can describe “the lungs of the Earth”. They are beautiful, amazing but at the same time very dangerous.
We would like you to make with us a wonderful trip to the Yucatan peninsula that divides the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. That's where you can find these tropical jungles of Guatemala and Belize, those sounds you are listening to now.
You should know that the tropical landscape is very rich: here flow big and small rivers, and majestic mountains stay side by side with hardly perceptible hills.
And no wonder that our atmosphere of the rainforest comprises waterfall sounds.