Sounds of Nature online
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Forest sounds
Only a few people can boast that they were in the forest at night, but in the daytime almost everyone has visited this wonderful place.
After spending so many hours in the asphalt jungles, it so pleasant to plunge into this endless verdure, feel the breath of fresh air on your face, smell divine fragrance of flowers, have a walk on winding paths all the time listening to the sounds of singing birds and bubbling brooks.
I’ve always thought that jungles are very different from our forests.and there grow different trees and flowers, fly and sing beautiful and very exotic birds, and monkeys cover all trees and jump here and there.
Let’s listen and see whether these sounds differ from those that we usually hear in our forests. In order to complete the picture, we added the sounds of a big waterfall on the background.

This word contains a lot of pleasant memories for all of us.
We wait for snow after a long rainy autumn and feel happy when the first snowflakes melt on our palms. We hope to see hills and trees and houses and cars covered with show in the Christmas holidays thinking that this white blanket is a symbol of new life. We are very glad to represent you our new soundtrack «Winter Forest» that will help you mentally transport yourself to that magical winter days.

Have you ever been in the forest at night? Have you ever had an opportunity to listen to its bewitching sounds in the dark time?
Maybe it was in the camp when you were sitting close to the fire roasting marshmallows, and your friends were telling creepy stories? You were afraid of listening to the music of the night forest, but you were terribly curious and happy!

I’ve always thought that jungles are very different from our forests.and there grow different trees and flowers, fly and sing beautiful and very exotic birds, and monkeys cover all trees and jump here and there.
Let’s listen and see whether these sounds differ from those that we usually hear in our forests. In order to complete the picture, we added the sounds of a big waterfall on the background.
Sea sounds

I’ve always thought that jungles are very different from our forests.and there grow different trees and flowers, fly and sing beautiful and very exotic birds, and monkeys cover all trees and jump here and there.
Let’s listen and see whether these sounds differ from those that we usually hear in our forests. In order to complete the picture, we added the sounds of a big waterfall on the background.

The sea is the sounds of summer.
It’s so great to lie on the sand with your eyes closed, enjoy fresh sea breeze, sun rays and listen to the sounds of beach: popular dance music playing in the nearby bar, sound of the waves and seagukks and happy laughter of people. In order to recollect your these funny summer days, we recommend you to listen to our new atmosphere of the beach! Enjoy it right now for free!
Rain sounds

Rain seems to be nothing more than precipitation,
but when you hear the music of falling rain, can it leave you indifferent? Autumn or winter rain greatly emphasizes the comfort and warmth of your home that seems to be a shelter covering you from all these weather tricks. The sound of rain drops drumming on the roof or windowsill is a perfect relaxant that calms nerves and envelops you in the atmosphere of coziness and warmth of your family hearth. The sound of rain drops drumming on the roof or windowsill is a perfect relaxant that calms nerves and envelops you in the atmosphere of coziness and warmth of your family hearth. When you are in a melancholic mood or want to think about the sense of life, rain will be your best assistant.

It`s raining outside.
Dull, autumn rain drops are drumming on the roof and ledge, and only the sounds of a car that passes by your house from time to time break this monotonous autumn sonata. Peals of thunder hint that the rain has quite serious intentions. And it`s just a beginning… But what are you doing in these unpleasant moments? Oh! You`re sitting in a big leather armchair. It`s so soft and comfortable. There is a fireplace in front of you. Crackle of firewood, pleasant warmth that is coming from it, the smell of coffee and pinewood, quiet music… This all creates a true paradise in your home. You want this evening to last forever. And let the whole world wait…
Countryside sounds

A meadow is a place where grow different kinds of flowers and plants: oregano, mint, plantains, cornflowers, clover, dandelions, chamomiles and dozens of other kinds.
Here you can see butterflies and bees flying from one flower to another. They gather pollen to make honey — the most healthy and delicious product. All these flowers and plants create ineffable fragrance, and flying insects and meadow animals produce listenable sounds of nature, meadow sounds.

A marvelous evening on the lakeshore…
We sit on the porch watching how the sun eventually hides its brilliance beneath the horizon and throws its golden rays on the mirror of the lake as a last goodbye. We drink herbal tea with honey, chat about unimportant things, and while we enjoy this beautiful moment, the sounds of evening birds wrap us with their delicate sound cloth. Their songs are fascinating, but no one can overshadow nightingales and their ethereal warbling.
Animal sounds

Our planet is amazing.
Who could expect that marine mammals, whose weight is about 40 tons and length is 15 meters, can sing no worse than birds? The sounds produced by humpback whales magnificently capture our attention. The repertoire of these animals is various, and the character of their sounds is very unusual. Many scientists claim that the vibrations and tonality of these sounds have wholesome and relaxing effect on people. These sounds help calm down, relax, and forget about daily problems. Our atmosphere of singing whales will help you achieve calmness and tranquility.

Cats are amazing creations who introduce a lot of positive emotions to our world.
Their grace is a delight for eyes, their smooth fur has calming property, and their musical purr helps to forget all the troubles for some time. Cat’s purr is pleasant for human ear first of all because when animal is emitting these “trills”, it feels really good. This music of happiness and pacification that cats feel is able to spread on human consciousness, give him a bit of their peace and happiness.
Other atmospheres

Millions of square kilometers of sand, 30 per cent of all Africa territory, 20 cm annual precipitation – this is all about the Sahara.
Vast, endless, merciless. The flora and fauna of the Sahara are poor, because only small natural oases with fresh water can help living beings to survive in these harsh conditions. Only 2 million of people inhabit this area. They are mainly Berber, Tuareg, and others. Let`s plunge in the world of heat and sand where northern wind often brings sandstorms. This is the atmosphere of the Sahara Desert. We wish you a pleasant journey!

Many people take train ride, especially if it’s short, as a pleasant adventure.
And today, when you make yourself comfortable in a train seat and listen to train sounds as it makes it way to the next station and watch familiar and then new scenery passing by before your eyes, you start to feel really comfortable as you felt a long time ago in our childhood. Our magical train ride sounds will, no doubt, bring comfort and relaxation to you.